Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Prolongues absence :(

I know, I know. I know I've been terribly and horribly lame not to update this blog :( Right now UI'm in a moment when I'm not going forward and all I can do is wauit, since paperwork has a date where it has to be started.

So right now I'm stuck.

However, I'm now participating in a contest to win a trip (!!!) and I would very much love your help! Sadly, the trip cannot be made to Sweden, but oh well, I'll manage :P

All you have to do to help me is go here:

Then, where it says Search you type JIMENEZ, and, this is crucial, CLICK the little pic that appears after the search!

Then, when the big pic appears, press vote :)

You can do this a few times every day if you wish to, you know you love my pic ^^

I actually had a lot of trouble to be able to participate... So I wan't to make it worth it!

Thanks a lot :D

And I promise, as soon as I have something new to say I'll post something more entertaining and substantial around here.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The ever elusive Umeå woman and my new job

As you might already guess from my prolonged absence, I’ve been pretty tired lately. And you might guess by the title, this is because I’m finally employed!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pissed at Ikea

Ikea opened two years ago in my country, and ever since then, it has been my little Swedish sanctuary. The wonderful place I go to feel a little bit more Swedish, looking at all the cool artifacts and eating uncommon BUT tasty things from the store. Aaaand of course, to swim in the decadent deliciousness of Daim chocolate, a crunchy butter almond bar covered in milk chocolate, originally from Sverige <3

So, a few days ago, I read that Ikea had decided to sell only their brand products in the Swedish Store, and how many swedish people living abroad were very angry at the decision, since that store was their easiest source for the foods that they had grown up with.

I, foolishly, felt a little bad for them but thought it wouldn’t affect me whatsoever. Until, last week,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Something I won’t miss about Dom. Rep.: Små grodorna

Swedish people might think little frogs are funny to see, but no sir, not me! Especially considering that I have to find one in my shower pretty much every month! I’ve had them jump on my hair, I’ve stepped on one accidentally and hear it’s little agony squeals; I’ve even had to

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Awesome Swedish Metal Bands (Part 1)

So, since I’ve mentioned in past posts that one of the things that first got me interested in Sweden was its bad ass metal bands, I thought I’d do a little compilation of my favorites :) Some people might not know it, but Swedish music isn’t just famous for Abba.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Boring Update :)

Yeehaa! It's time for a boring update :D Remember I was feeling a little down about still not having a job that will help me save money? Well, it seems like that might change this month! I'm not sure what the most popular method of getting a job is wherever you might live, but in the Dominican Republic, the most fool-proof, guaranteed way is through contacts. Someone you know tells someone they know to tell someone else to give you a job where they work.

 Well, I moved some of my contacts, and a few days ago,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

HTMTS: THE REASON (a.k.a. How I fell in love with Sweden)

I love Sweden

Ever since I first visited another country, I knew I eventually wanted to live abroad. My first trip was to the United States. When I arrived there, I realized how different things outside of my little island were. Don’t get me wrong, the Dominican Republic is a beautiful country! We have the beaches, the mountains and the nicest people ever. However,

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What I thought about The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Män som Hatar Kvinnor)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

(WARNING: There might be spoilers ahead)

Yesterday me and the boyfriend headed down to the movie theater to watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (American version), which I’ve been eagerly expecting for a while. This movie is based in Stieg Larsson’s Trilogy “Millenium”, which became a best seller (read about the plot here). It is also a remake to the first, Swedish version.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just a little bummed...

Today I’m feeling a little disappointed. January has come and gone and I still don’t have another job. I managed to save my goal money either way, but I don’t think it will be sustainable if I don’t get the job on February.

It sort of makes me feel bad; so much of my plan relies on luck. Most of the experiences about living in Sweden that I’ve read, are from people who get a job there, have family living there, already have a dual citizenship, or fell in love with a Swedish person.

Monday, January 30, 2012

How to Move to Sweden: "THE PLAN"

“The Plan” is actually in quotation marks and all caps because when you read it in your head, you should use the most powerful and grandiose voice you can come up with! Obviously, hopping on a plane in an impulse and just staying in Sweden without a clue is not the best idea (though I would go with it if I could :D). Moving abroad requires a fair amount of changes, details and bureaucracy; and in order to have all of that clear, defined and approachable, a plan must be made:  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to move to Sweden: Introduction

Nope. I don’t live in Sweden. Not yet, at least. My name is Silly Sweden-Loving Chick and I live in a little island in the middle of the Caribbean. As it turns out, I fell in love with a country 8153 km away from home. And it also turns out I don’t have any ties to Sweden whatsoever, no family, no sambo, not even a job there! Nonetheless, I decided that the marvelous country I want to live in, and will be moving to, is Sweden.