Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pissed at Ikea

Ikea opened two years ago in my country, and ever since then, it has been my little Swedish sanctuary. The wonderful place I go to feel a little bit more Swedish, looking at all the cool artifacts and eating uncommon BUT tasty things from the store. Aaaand of course, to swim in the decadent deliciousness of Daim chocolate, a crunchy butter almond bar covered in milk chocolate, originally from Sverige <3

So, a few days ago, I read that Ikea had decided to sell only their brand products in the Swedish Store, and how many swedish people living abroad were very angry at the decision, since that store was their easiest source for the foods that they had grown up with.

I, foolishly, felt a little bad for them but thought it wouldn’t affect me whatsoever. Until, last week,