Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Something I won’t miss about Dom. Rep.: Små grodorna

Swedish people might think little frogs are funny to see, but no sir, not me! Especially considering that I have to find one in my shower pretty much every month! I’ve had them jump on my hair, I’ve stepped on one accidentally and hear it’s little agony squeals; I’ve even had to
try to get out of the shower (meaning NO CLOTHES ON) as carefully as humanly possible because a frog was on the shower curtain (meaning LESS THAN HALF A METER AWAY!) and we all know how jumpy those little bastards are.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of having to sleep in another bedroom in fright that it might jump on me over night. Then in the morning, I had the wonderful chance to discover the frog’s little dead dinner inside my shower. Not only did it decide to forcefully invade my bedroom, but it also dared to reject the dinner it provided!

Soo yep. There’s something I won’t miss about living in the Dominican Republic. Or at least about living in my house :/

Is there anything you wouldn’t miss about living where you live?


  1. Lol. Probably the heat!

  2. What wouldn't I miss? Well, there is The prices at the grocery store. Those kind of suck. Lol. I don't know really, I am not sure I would miss anything, at least at first. If I moved to another country I might start to miss things after a year or so, but the first bit would be so much of an adventure that I would only miss understanding what people are saying, and sometimes, it is better NOT to know that! :)


  3. Hi FrozenBritannia! Welcome to my blog :)
    May I ask where do you live?

    And you're right, I think after a while one would end up missing the little things you didn't even notice before.

    The language barrier is also a tough one :/
